Where would you start with content?

Hey all,

New user here (saw too much high praise from @tomcritchlow to ignore!) with a very ignorant question.

Excited to dig in, but asking myself where to begin.

There’s a lot of content on the main site¹ and there’s a “Start Here” section. However, I was wondering if you’ve got specific advice with respect to where you would start knowing what you know about all the content.

If not, I’ll probably just work through the archives in order from the Start Here section :+1:

Thanks for any advice/direction.

¹ I plan to get through it all.


Yass. Welcome Ryan!

Although it’s no longer pay walled my fave series is still the expertise acceleration one:

After that the recent series on capital was very eye opening:


@ryan welcome!

@tomcritchlow do you perhaps mean the Business Expertise Series?

Because I was just going to say: good pick; it’s really quite foundational to the site at this point! :sweat_smile:


Perect, thanks!

The business expertise section is where I’ll start!
Let’s gooo.

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The first series that I seriously set aside time to read is with The Chinese Businessman Paradox - Commoncog , but that’s just because I am in SE Asia setting and know the background quite well

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@cedric I listened to the podcast with Lia … that was sensational.

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I’m back after having been away from the blog since ~last August, and have two questions:

Now that the Capital Allocation and Becoming Data Driven series are fairly far along, is there a recommended order for reading through those series other than publication order?

It looks like the series pages are manually updated, so I’m not sure all relevant posts are listed there. Is there a simple index of posts with initial publication dates somewhere on the site? I’m trying to identify where I left off.

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Welcome back @mgoodrum! If you left around August last year, this should be around this page in the blog index: Commoncog (Page 3) - Commoncog

I recommend the Capital Allocation series, which is complete. That one I’m fairly certain you can read front to back and have everything make sense (and in fact certain pieces build on the ideas introduced in earlier pieces).

As for the Data Driven series … I mostly recommend starting from Becoming Data Driven, From First Principles - Commoncog and working backwards.

This series I’m a lot more uncomfortable about, mostly because it’s a bit of a mess. I plan to circle back and reorganise everything as a guide when the series is done (after the WBR pieces, which are the next two pieces that I’m working on). It’s a mess because putting the ideas to practice has forced me to reevaluate some of the earlier pieces. Some ideas are more important than first meets the eye, and others are less.

So … Becoming Data Driven, From First Principles synthesises most of the ideas — after which you can sample whatever you think is most interesting.